The excitement of purchasing a new canvas print is often accompanied by concerns about the safety of the artwork during shipping. The last thing any art collector or enthusiast wants is to receive a damaged piece. Ensuring that canvas prints arrive in pristine condition requires thoughtful packaging and proper handling. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of art packaging for canvas prints and the role that sturdy boxes and custom protective corners play in worry-free shipping.

Why Art Packaging Matters for Canvas Prints:

Canvas prints are delicate, and improper handling or packaging can result in various forms of damage, such as dents, scratches or tears. Moreover, the frame and stretcher bars can be damaged, causing warping or misalignment. To preserve the integrity and value of the artwork, it is crucial to invest in quality packaging materials and techniques that minimize the risk of damage during transit.

Sturdy Boxes:

The choice of box is critical in ensuring the safe shipping of canvas prints. Sturdy boxes serve as the first line of defense against external factors that can cause damage during transportation, such as impact, moisture, and temperature fluctuations.

Edge protection:

The corners of a canvas print are particularly vulnerable to damage, and protective corners shield these edges from impacts, preventing dents and abrasions. By elevating the surface of the canvas print, custom protective corners minimize direct contact with other objects, reducing the risk of scratches or punctures. Protective corners help to distribute pressure evenly across the stretcher bars, reducing the likelihood of warping or damage to the frame.

The packaging of canvas prints is a crucial aspect of ensuring that the artwork arrives in perfect condition. A worry-free shipping experience delivered by ARTCANVAS allows art lovers to focus on the joy of acquiring and displaying new artwork, rather than concerns about potential damage during transit.